Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Filet in France

A beef tenderloin, known as an eye fillet in New Zealand and Australia, filet in France and fillet in England, is cut from the loin of beef. As with all quadrupeds, the tenderloin refers to the psoas major muscle anterior to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, near the kidneys. This muscle does very little work, so it is the most tender part of the beef. The tenderloin can either be cut for roasts or for Steak. Tenderloins from steers and heifers are most common at retail, but those from cows are common in foodservice applications, such as less expensive steakhouses.

A common misconception is that the tenderloin is also called a Chateaubriand steak, when in fact, the Chateaubriand is a recipe for a particular tenderloin steak which originates from France. Typically, the Chateaubriand is taken from the center-cut of the tenderloin, in a large enough portion to feed two. There are three main "parts" of the tenderloin: the butt, the center-cut, and the tail. The butt end is usually suitable for carpaccio, as the eye can be quite large; cutting a weight-portioned steak from the butt will invariably yield a very thin steak. The center-cut is suitable for portion-controlled steaks as the diameter of the eye remains relatively consistent. The center-cut can yield the traditional 'filet mignon' or tenderloin steak, as well as the Chateaubriand and Beef Wellington. The tenderloin tapers off into a tail, which is generally unsuitable for steaks due to consistency of size concerns, but can be used in recipes where small pieces of a tender cut is called for, such as Stroganoff.

Whole tenderloins are sold as either "unpeeled" (meaning the fat and silver skin still remains), "peeled" (meaning that the fat is removed, but silver skin remains) or as PSMOs ("pismos"), which is short for peeled, silver skin, and side muscle left on. While the most expensive option pound-for-pound, PSMOs offer considerable savings over other tenderloin options as they require little handling by the chef, as the fat and trimmings are already taken care of. Trimming the silver skin from a tenderloin is a job best not left for the novice, as inexperienced meat cutters often damage the steaks, reducing either yield or the visual presentation. Since, as the name implies, it is the most tender part of the animal, beef dishes requiring high quality meat, such as steak tartare, are ideally made from the tenderloin. (wikipedia)

See also : Sate, Dim Sum

Sashimi, raw seafood

Have you ever eat Sushi? Sushi is a japanese food that well known for it's freshness. Sushi usually made from fresh fish. There are many kind of Sushi, there are : 

* Sashimi
Raw seafood served chilled and sliced, and elegantly arranged. It's usually prepared with fish fresh from the water, refrigerated but never frozen. How to slice the fish for sashimi is one of the most rigorous skills to learn during the itamae's training. Fish cut too thick or too thin make a different impression on the taste buds, and different fish require applying different techniques. Depending on what was served, you will be handed soy sauce, ponzu, or red pepper to dress it.

* Nigirisushi
Nigirisushi means something like "hand pressed". This type of sushi is the most common type at the sushi bar: A small oval made with rice, with an expertly cut slice of fish on top, and with a dab of wasabi on it. Most types of nigirisushi are meant to be dipped in soy sauce, and must be eaten in one bite, slowly. Close your eyes and feel the different textures in your mouth while you eat every piece.

* Gunkan
Battleship sushi. This looks like a nigiri piece wrapped once in seaweed. It's called "battleship sushi" because it resembles the cylindrical sail of a submarine or battleship. Most caviar sushi (e.g. uni, tobiko, ikura, masago) are wrapped in the gunkan style.

* Makisushi
Maki means "rolled". This kind of sushi consists of fish (or crab) and vegetables rolled in a sheet of nori (roasted seaweed) and rice. Makisushi is usually served sliced into bite-size portions. In some restaurants it will be listed as norimaki (seaweed roll) in the menu. Makisushi is an excellent choice for those venturing into the sushi bar for the first time, particularly if they are squimish about eating raw fish. The taste and crackling texture of the the seaweed, the visual delight from its appearance, and the combination of salty seaweed, sweet rice, and delicate fish and vegetables soon win even the most reluctant experimenters.

* Temaki
Te = hand. Temaki describes the hand rolls, something like a Japanese nori taco, that you bite into. Many of the ingredients you'll find in makisushi also exist in temaki.

* Kansai-style sushi is not covered here because it's not very common in western countries. Osaka-style sushi, made with more vinegar (or some times pickled fish), and set in a box. See the photo for details. Its history and tradition require a whole chapter contrasting it with Edo-sushi, the one you're most likely familiar with. (eugeneciurana)

See also :
Burger King

Minum wine Yuk

Carbenet Sauvignon
Jika Wine putih / hijau nya yang populer dengan Carbenet Chardonnay Sauvignon dapat dikatakan bintang jenis wine merah. Alasannya adalah karena sebagian jenis wine mudah tumbuh di daerah beriklim sedang hangat dan pemeliharanya 'rewel' tidak. Banyak hasil di Perancis (Bordeaux), Italia, Amerika Serikat (California), Chile, Australia dan Afrika Selatan. blackberry karakter buah yang kuat dan juga memiliki tingkat yang lebih tinggi tanin (rasa Sepat) tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis lain anggur. Tidak jarang para penggemar menjuliki Carbenet Sauvignon anggur sebagai anggur yang keras kepala dan tangguh.

Pinot Noir
Di antara berbagai jenis anggur, Pinot Noir dapat dikatakan sebagai budidaya anggur yang paling sulit. Menariknya meskipun jenis yang sama Pinot Noir tetapi rasa dan karakter dari anggur yang dihasilkan bisa berbeda. Yohan Handoyo dalam bukunya menyebut anggur ini memiliki kepribadian ganda. Karakter Pinot Noir kadang-kadang saja menerbitkan stroberi saja, tetapi ketika diproses, lebih khusus blackcerry karakter, coklat (gelap), jamur (jamur) sampai cerutu juga akan kita dapatkan. Tapi justru karakter Pinot Noir yang tidak mudah ditebak membuat jenis anggur yang dijual di pasar. Karena pecinta wine akan bisa mendapatkan kejutan yang tak terbayangkan coba meskipun Pinot Noir. Ini anggur yang baik jesnis berasal dari Prancis (Burgundy dan Champagne), California (Oregon), Australia, Selandia Baru dan Chile. Bicara dalam hal warna, warna Pinot Noir memiliki lebih muda dari Carbenet Sauvignon, bahkan begitu puas tanin nya yang bisa dikatakan lebih lembut.

Banyak diproduksi di Australia, Afrika Selatan, Prancis (yang terkenal dari Lembah Rhone), USA (California) juga Chili. Di Perancis, Syrah Shiraz disebut dengan nama, jadi Shiraz dan Syrah adalah sama. Memiliki berbagai rasa dan satu adalah karakter cirri kkasnya lada hitam dan lada putih dia. Ada juga karakter coklat (gelap), violet, kopi, tembakau, cerutu, vanili sampai karakter daging binatang liar (game).

Adalah jenis anggur yang menghasilkan anggur rasa lembut. Menurut para ahli, anggur, Merlot adalah sepasang anggur diproduksi oleh Carbenet Sauvignon (kuat). Pertumbuhan ini tidak jauh dari memproduksi Carbenet Sauvignon, yaitu di daerah Perancis, Italia, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Afrika Selatan dan Amerika Serikat (California). Ini mengandung tanin yang lembut dan karakter buah seperti kismis hitam, blackberry, stroberi, plum hingga karakter tembakau, kopi dan cokelat lembut.

Sumber: seleramagazine

Lihat juga : Soto, Sour Sally

Nicolas, toko penjual Wine di Perancis

Semua orang tahu toko Nicolas di Perancis. Mereka di mana-mana dan menjual wine (anggur) kepada orang-orang prancis sejak 1822, ketika theynicolas_bercy membuka toko pertama di Paris Mereka. Yang pertama untuk menjual wine dengan botol dan tidak dengan tindakan wine lebih besar seperti yang biasa waktu itu. Mereka juga disampaikan di rumah, dan menawarkan berbagai macam wine prancis. Mereka juga memperkenalkan ritual "Beaujolais Nouveau" di Paris.

Ini sekarang sekelompok sekitar 400 toko wine, di mana sekitar 280 di daerah Paris. Mereka biasanya terletak di pusat-pusat kota, dan untuk harga yang wajar Anda dapat menemukan wine dari kualitas yang wajar dari wilayah wine yang berbeda prancis, ditambah beberapa orang asing.
Beberapa toko Nicolas dengan alamat jalan tinggi memiliki pilihan yang lebih besar dari wine high end. Ini adalah toko wine di sudut mana Anda pergi ketika Anda mencari botol dan saran. Mereka memiliki ideanicolas_vitre baik untuk memperkenalkan mereka "récoltes petites" seri. Ini adalah botol dari produsen yang tidak diketahui, wine tradisional sederhana, harga sangat terjangkau. Ini "Vins de Pays", atau negara wine dapat berkat Nicolas, bertemu dengan khalayak yang lebih luas.

Nicolas diversifikasi kegiatannya dengan ekstensi bar wine serta restoran di sepanjang beberapa toko.

Ini adalah kasus di toko Nicolas terletak di lingkungan Bercy baru di sisi timur lebih rendah dari Paris. lokasi Exact adalah Chai 24, Cour St Emilion (Ph 01 42 68 00 16). Metro: Cour St Emilion (pada jalur kereta bawah tanah ramping dan otomatis baru 14). Cour St Emilion adalah gang pejalan kaki dengan di kedua belah pihak restoran dan kafe yang trendi. Hal ini menyebabkan film teater multipleks "Cité Cine Bercy" dengan layar 18 nya. Kawasan itu di kota masa lalu itu sendiri di mana wine, disampaikan oleh kereta api dan truk disimpan, botol dan dikirim untuk konsumsi wilayah Paris.

Tempat ini buka tujuh hari seminggu untuk toko wine dan bar wine, dan restoran yang melayani makanan siang setiap hari 15:00 dan 18:00-11:00.
anggur nicolas_2verresThe oleh kaca di bar wine atau minum dengan makanan yang dipilih dari daftar sekitar 15 anggur yang berbeda yang berubah setiap 2 / 3 minggu.

Mereka juga memiliki ide untuk meletakkan tag pada kacamata, yang memastikan tidak ada mix-up di jam sibuk, dan membuat Anda tetap fokus pada apa yang Anda minum. Hanya mereka harus meletakkan sedikit informasi lebih lanjut tentang mereka, seperti alamat lengkap kebun wine itu, nama produsen dan ° dalam alkohol.

Harga cukup murah dan pada pemilihan kami, harga yang paling adalah antara 1,5 dan 3 Euro gelas. Anda juga dapat memilih botol di toko wine  dan minum hanya 3 Euro lebih (biaya gabus) di bar atau duduk di meja saat cerita ini ditempelkan tidak ada biaya gabus sama sekali. Ini adalah tawaran sebagai botol anggur di sebuah restoran biaya biasanya beberapa kali lebih dari harga toko. Ini adalah apa yang pengunjung tersebut Jepang di sebelah kanan itu, pelayan hanya melayani mereka wine mereka menunggu makanan mereka ...

Lihat juga : burger king

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Steak Hiu di kedai Viva

BOLEH jadi ikan hiu merupakan salah satu predator terkejam di lautan, namun di daratan ikan ini ternyata menjadi santapan ekstra lezat bagi manusia.
Nah, di sudut Kota Gombong, Kebumen terdapat sebuah kedai yakni Viva's Cafe & Resto yang menyajikan berbagai menu berbahan daging hiu. Salah satunya adalah steak hiu laut selatan.

Berbagai varian steak hiu disediakan rumah makan ini, antara lain steak hiu dengan sauce marinara, black pepper sauce, maupun dengan sauce tiram.
Steak hiu yang disajikan di restoran ini Benar-benar menggoda dengan tambahan sayuran segar dan buah stroberi. Selain tekstur dagingnya halus dan lembut, rasanya juga luar biasa melebihi steak ikan salmon maupun tuna.

Oleh chef Edi Kurniawan (38) daging ikan hiu yang memiliki bau amis menyengat itu disulap dan diolah menjadi steak yang lezat. Steak hiu yang diolah dengan campuran sauce marinara sangat menggugah selera. Karena rasanya yang ekstrim dan sensasi manis, asam dan pedas jenis ini sangat disukai konsumen.

"Tidak mudah membuat steak hiu, karena sifat dagingnya yang sangat lembut. Jika dipanggang biasa, daging itu akan hancur dan kalau disajikan tentu saja bentuknya tidak sedap dipandang," ujar Edi yang mengaku belajar resep ini dari orang Rusia saat masih bekerja di kapal tanker.

Adapun proses awal memasaknya, dipilih ikan hiu jenis tiger shark berumur tiga sampai lima bulan dengan berat 4 sampai 5 kilogram. Daging hiu ini diperoleh dari para nelayan di sejumlah Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) di sepanjang pantai selatan di Kecamatan Ayah. Untuk itulah steak ini dinamakan steak hiu laut selatan.

Setelah diiris daging dipisahkan dari kulitnya kemudian dicuci bersih. Untuk menghilangkan bau amis sebelum dibakar, terlebih dahulu daging dilumuri bumbu campuran dari saos tiram, kecap Inggris, bawang bombay, jahe, merica, jeruk nipis dan susu.

Sedangkan untuk sauce cukup campurkan bawang putih bawang bombay, cabe, dan mayonaise. Tambahkan stroberi untuk lebih menguatkan rasa asam. "Setelah daging dibakar hingga kuning kecoklatan steak hiu pun siap dihidangkan," imbuhnya.

Erna Haryanti, pemilik kedai tersebut mengatakan, pihaknya sengaja menawarkan menu baru yang biasanya hanya ditemukan di kota-kota besar. Dengan memanfaatkan hasil tangkapan para nelayan pesisir Ayah dirinya coba memberikan hidangan yang banyak mengandung protein. Meski harga perekor hiu saat ini terbilang mahal.

Namun jangan khawatir, dengan hanya merogoh kocek Rp 17.000 Anda sudah dapat menikmati sensasi satu porsi steak ikan hiu.

Steak hiu juga dipercaya dapat meningkatkan vitalitas dan mampu menghangatkan suhu tubuh. Karena daging hiu memiliki kandungan asam folat yang tinggi. Asam folat atau yang dikenal sebagai Vitamin B9 ini diperlukan oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa untuk memproduksi sel darah merah dan mencegah anemia.

"Saat cuaca ekstrim seperti saat ini, perlu daya tahan tubuh yang kuat untuk menangkal berbagai jenis penyakit," tandasnya. ( Supriyanto / CN13 - suara merdeka cybernews )

Lihat juga : sour sally

dim sum

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

sate Ponorogo, Sate Madura and Sate Padang

Sate Madura
Originating on the island of Madura, near Java, is a famous variant among Indonesians. Most often made from mutton or chicken, the recipe's main characteristic is the black sauce made from Indonesian sweet soy sauce/kecap manis mixed with palm sugar (called gula jawa or "javanese sugar" in Indonesia), garlic, deep fried shallots, peanut paste, petis (a kind of shrimp paste), candlenut/kemiri, and salt. Sate Madura uses thinner chunks of meat than other variants. It is eaten with rice or rice cakes wrapped in banana/coconut leaves (lontong/ketupat). Raw thinly sliced shallot and plain sambal are often served as condiments

Sate Padang
A dish from Padang and the surrounding area in West Sumatra, which is made from cow or goat offal boiled in spicy broth then grilled. Its main characteristic is a yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, galangal root, cumin, curry powder and salt. It is further separated into two sub-variants, the Pariaman and the Padang Panjang, which differ in taste and the composition of their yellow sauces.

Sate Ponorogo
A variant of satay originating in Ponorogo, a town in East Java. It is made from sliced marinated chicken meat, and served with a sauce made of peanuts and chilli sauce and Garnished with shredded shallots, sambal (chili paste) and lime juice. This variant is unique for the fact that each skewer contains one large piece of chicken, rather than several small slices. The meat is marinated in spices and sweet soy sauce, in a process called "bacem" and is served with rice or lontong (rice cake).. The grill is made from terracotta earthenware with a hole in one side to allow ventilation for the coals. After three months of use, the earthenware grill disintegrates, and must be replaced. (wikipedia)

See also : sushi



Milkfat, or fat in general, including that from non0dairy sources, is important to ice cream for the following reasons:

* increases the richness of flavour in ice cream
* produces a characteristic smooth texture by lubricating the palate
* helps to give body to the ice cream, due to its role in fat destabilization
* aids in good melting properties, also due to its role in fat destabilization
* aids in lubricating the freezer barrel during manufacturing (Non-fat mixes are extremely hard on the freezing equipment)

The limitations of excessive use of butterfat in a mix include:

* cost
* hindered whipping ability
* decreased consumption due to excessive richness
* high caloric value

The best source of butterfat in ice cream for high quality flavour and convenience is fresh sweet cream from fresh sweet milk. Other sources include butter or anhydrous milkfat.

During freezing of ice cream, the fat emulsion which exists in the mix will partially destabilize or churn as a result of the air incorporation, ice crystallization and high shear forces of the blades. This partial churning is necessary to set up the structure and texture in ice cream, which is very similar to the structure in whipped cream. Emulsifiers help to promote this destabilization process, which will be discussed below.

The triglycerides in milkfat have a wide melting range, +40° C to -40° C, and thus there is always a combination of liquid and crystalline fat. Alteration of this solid: liquid ratio can affect the amount of fat destabilization that occurs. Duplicating this structure with other sources of fat is difficult.

Vegetable (non-dairy) fats are used extensively as fat sources in ice cream in the United Kingdom, parts of Europe, the Far East, and Latin America but only to a very limited extent in North America. Five factors of great interest in selection of fat source are the crystal structure of the fat, the rate at which the fat crystallizes during dynamic temperature conditions, the temperature-dependent melting profile of the fat, especially at chilled and freezer temperatures, the content of high melting triglycerides (which can produce a waxy, greasy mouthfeel) and the flavor and purity of the oil. It is important that the fat droplet contain an intermediate ratio of liquid:solid fat at the time of freezing. It is difficult to quantify this ratio as it is dependent on a number of composition and manufacturing factors, however, 1/2 to 2/3 crystalline fat at 4-5oC is a good, working rule. Crystallization of fat occurs in three steps: undercooling to induce nucleation, heterogeneous or homogeneous nucleation (or both), and crystal propagation. In bulk fat, nucleation is predominantly heterogeneous, with crystals themselves acting as nucleating agents for further crystallization, and undercooling is usually minimal. However, in an emulsion, each droplet must crystallize independently of the next. For heterogeneous nucleation to predominate, there must be a nucleating agent available in every droplet, which is often not the case. Thus in emulsions, homogeneous nucleation and extensive undercooling may be common. Blends of oils are often used in ice cream manufacture, selected to take into account physical characteristics, flavor, availability, stability during storage and cost.

We have recently completed a study on the use of non-dairy fats in frozen desserts, which is available here. A blend of 75% of either fractionated palm kernel oil or coconut oil and 25% of an unsaturated oil, like high oleic sunflower oil, was shown to produce optimal levels of fat destabilization, meltdown and flavour, although coconut oil may take longer to crystallize during aging. Blends of 50% milkfat, 37.5% fractionated palm kernel or coconut oil, and 12.5% high oleic sunflower oil were also shown to be very acceptable. (foodscience)

See also : burger king


History of Ice Cream from Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers

Most of the following material has been extracted from "The History of Ice Cream", written by the International Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers (IAICM), Washington DC, 1978. As you will note below, however, much of the early history of ice cream remains unproven folklore.

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago, Charles I of England hosted a sumptous state banquet for many of his friends and family. The meal, consisting of many delicacies of the day, had been simply superb but the "coup de grace" was yet to come. After much preparation, the King's french chef had concocted an apparently new dish. It was cold and resembled fresh- fallen snow but was much creamier and sweeter than any other after- dinner dessert. The guests were delighted, as was Charles, who summoned the cook and asked him not to divulge the recipe for his frozen cream. The King wanted the delicacy to be served only at the Royal table and offered the cook 500 pounds a year to keep it that way. Sometime later, however, poor Charles fell into disfavour with his people and was beheaded in 1649. But by that time, the secret of the frozen cream remained a secret no more. The cook, named DeMirco, had not kept his promise.

This story is just one of many of the fascinating tales which surround the evolution of our country's most popular dessert, ice cream. It is likely that ice cream was not invented, but rather came to be over years of similar efforts. Indeed, the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar is said to have sent slaves to the mountains to bring snow and ice to cool and freeze the fruit drinks he was so fond of. Centuries later, the Italian Marco Polo returned from his famous journey to the Far East with a recipe for making water ices resembling modern day sherbets.

In 1774, a caterer named Phillip Lenzi announced in a New York newspaper that he had just arrived from London and would be offering for sale various confections, including ice cream.* Dolley Madison, wife of U.S. President James Madison, served ice cream at her husband's Inaugural Ball in 1813.**

The first improvement in the manufacture of ice cream (from the handmade way in a large bowl) was given to us by a New Jersey woman, Nancy johnson, who in 1846 invented the hand-cranked freezer. This device is still familiar to many. By turning the freezer handle, they agitated a container of ice cream mix in a bed of salt and ice until the mix was frozen. Because Nancy Johnson lacked the foresight to have her invention patented, her name does not appear on the patent records. A similar type of freezer was, however, patented on May 30, 1848, by a Mr. Young who at least had the courtesy to call it the "Johnson Patent Ice Cream Freezer".

Commercial production was begun in North America in Baltimore, Maryland, 1851, by Mr. Jacob Fussell, now known as the father of the American ice cream industry. (foodscience)

See also : wine

sour sally